
A correct evaluation of the fetus progress into the birth canal during labor is often a complicated task, but it is of fundamental importance for a proper delivery management. Indeed, incorrect assessment of fetal presentation, position and station could lead to severe complications for both the fetus and the mother. Currently, fetus progress assessment during the delivery phase is still performed in the same way of last centuries, namely with a manual vaginal exploration assessed only using two fingers (index and medium fingers). This evaluation is therefore strongly subjective and dependent on clinical experience of the medical doctor; thus, reproducibility is very limited. In this framework, simulation-based training is a valuable instrument for obstetrics and gynecologists learning process, thus for evaluating and improving their abilities. In this work, we introduce a novel integrated childbirth platform which offers a real-time monitoring of fetal head during the active phase of labor. A real-time evaluation of fetal head presentation, position and station is provided, along with a 3D virtual visualization of the childbirth simulation. This kind of platform was conceived as a valid instrument for gynecological teaching and training. Preliminary results demonstrated its usefulness as an instrument for training in obstetrics and gynecology.

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