
Proteasomal dysfunction has been linked to neurodegeneration. Pharmacological proteasomal inhibitors may have pro-survival or pro-death effects in neuronal cells. We have previously found that application of such agents to mouse sympathetic neurons leads to activation of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. We show here that in rat sympathetic neurons proteasomal inhibition leads to a form of death that is morphologically non-apoptotic, with features of autophagy. The intrinsic apoptotic pathway is activated in a delayed fashion compared with mouse neurons, and is in part responsible for death, as evidenced by the partial protective effects of bcl-xL and the general caspase inhibitor Boc-aspartyl-fluoromethylketone. Death is accompanied by induction of Bim and caspase activation, but caspase 3 activation is lacking; 3-methyl-adenine inhibits macroautophagy, but has a relatively small pro-survival effect. We conclude that a complex array of pro- and anti-apoptotic effects elicited by proteasomal inhibition in rat sympathetic neurons leads to partial engagement of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway and a morphologically non-apoptotic, autophagic form of death. The species difference with mouse neurons is underscored by the fact that proteasomal inhibitors are protective against apoptosis elicited by nerve growth factor deprivation in rat, but not mouse, sympathetic neurons. The type of death described herein may be relevant to neurodegenerative diseases, where morphological evidence for apoptosis has been scant.

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