
16 000 ha annually.Tomato leaf curl virus disease (ToLCVD) normally reduces tomato pro-duction significantly, often causing up to 100% yield loss. Diseased tomatoplants were collected from Joydebpur, Bangladesh in September 2003because they exhibited unusually mild ToLCVD symptoms of yellowingand leaf curling. In addition, mosaic-like symptoms developed on the olderleaves of susceptible tomato cv. Moneymaker, which is atypical for leafcurl-inducing viruses.Total DNA was extracted from leaves with symptoms and putative viralgenomes were amplified by PCR using degenerate primers specific to DNA-A and -B (Muniyappa et al., 2003), and DNA-β molecules (Briddon et al.,2002). Sequences generated from the amplicons were used either to designvirus-specific primers, or to obtain directly complete viral sequences. Apreviously undescribed monopartite begomovirus, designated Tomatoleaf curl Joydebpur virus-Mild (ToLCJV-Mld), was found associated withthese mild symptoms. Based on DNA-A sequences (2761 nucleotides,EMBL accession no. AJ875159), ToLCJV-Mld was most similar to Pepperleaf curl Bangladesh virus (AF314531) at 87·1% nucleotide (nt) identity.ToLCJV-Mld satellite DNA-β molecule (1366 nt, AJ966244) sharedhighest (59·0%) nt identity with a molecule isolated from ToLCVD inIndia (AY438558). No DNA-B component was detected. The number andarrangement of ToLCJV-Mld DNA-A open reading frames (ORFs) wasidentical to monopartite begomoviruses, except that an additional ORF of849 nt (282 amino acids) was predicted to occur on the complementarystrand between nt positions 1139 and 291, encompassing the entirelength of the coat protein gene. The association of a DNA-β moleculewith begomoviruses is known to cause severe symptoms, but this is the firstreport where it is associated with mild symptoms. ToLCJV-Mld DNA-Ashared 86·0 and 74·4% nucleotide identities with the previously reportedTomato leaf curl Bangladesh virus (AF188481) (Green et al., 2001) andTomato leaf curl New Delhi virus-Severe[Jessore] (AJ875157) (Maruthi etal., 2005), respectively. These results confirm the occurrence of at leastthree begomovirus species in tomato in Bangladesh.ReferencesBriddon RW, Bull SE, Mansoor S, Amin I, Markham PG, 2002. Universal primers for the PCR-mediated amplification of DNA- β : a molecule associated with monopartite begomoviruses.

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