
Polyphosphate-AMP phosphotransferase (PAP) and polyphosphate kinase (PPK) were used for designing a novel ATP regeneration system, named the PAP-PPK ATP regeneration system. PAP is an enzyme that catalyzes the phospho-conversion of AMP to ADP, and PPK catalyzes ATP formation from ADP. Both enzymes use inorganic polyphosphate [poly(P)] as a phosphate donor. In the PAP-PPK ATP regeneration system, ATP was continuously synthesized from AMP by the coupling reaction of PAP and PPK using poly(P). Poly(P) is a cheap material compared to acetyl phosphate, phosphoenol pyruvate and creatine phosphate, which are phospate donors used for conventional ATP regeneration systems. To achieve efficient synthesis of ATP from AMP, an excessive amount of poly(P) should be added to the reaction solution because both PAP and PPK consume poly(P) as a phosphate donor. Using this ATP generation reaction, we constructed the PAP-PPK ATP regeneration system with acetyl-CoA synthase and succeeded in synthesizing acetyl-CoA from CoA, acetate and AMP. Since too much poly(P) may chelate MG 2+ and inhibit enzyme activity, the Mg 2+ concentration was optimized to 24 mM in the presence of 30 mM poly(P) in the reaction. In this reaction, ATP was regenerated 39.8 times from AMP, and 99.5% of CoA was converted to acetyl-CoA. In addition, since the PAP-PPK ATP regeneration system can regenerate GTP from GMP, it could also be used as a GTP regeneration system.

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