
Vehicle Number Identification using Raspberry pi 3 is an image conversion technology which captures the license plate of a vehicle. The main aim is to make an effective and accurate license number plate identification system. This system is carried out and performed in the areas where traffic signals are present and the camera is placed on the signal which is connected to raspberry pi and it sends signals to the server and it can also be used in apartments or residencies for capturing all the vehicle numbers entering the building. This system at first detects the vehicle license plate and then captures it .It then converts the image into the text. The text of the license plate is displayed on the screen using the image conversion. Open CV and OCR are the two software's used for image capturing and conversion of that into text format respectively. The resulting data is then displayed on the screen and saved into a folder. The whole system is developed on Raspberry Pi desktop and its performance is used in real-time. It is observed from this experiment that the system mainly detects and captures the vehicle license plate, converts the image into text and displays it on the screen successfully.

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