
This article presents a technically simple and more accurate approach to flexor hallucis longus (FHL) tenography than any we found reported in the literature. Tenography is used to evaluate and treat tenosynovitis. Standard FHL tenography protocol involves either direct percutaneous access of the FHL synovial sheath posterior to the medial malleolus or indirect filling of the FHL sheath from an injection of the flexor digitorum longus (FDL) tendon sheath, which often communicates with the FHL tendon sheath. However, with these methods, difficulty entering the FHL sheath may be encountered. We adapted our technique to access the FHL sheath as it courses below the sustentaculum talus. Our early experience with five cases using this technique reflects a 100% success rate with accurate needle placement within the FHL tendon sheath, thereby improving procedural efficiency.

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