
Bond graphs provide a powerful diagrammatic notation for representing the time varying properties of physical dynamic systems. This graphical notation can be derived easily from the schematic diagram of the given physical system. Straightforward techniques exist which allow the resulting bond graph to be converted to the final block diagram representation of the actual dynamic system. The latter readily renders itself to analysis by simulation. Logic programming, embodied in the Prolog language, provides a powerful means of specifying the different representations of dynamic systems, and the transformation rules applicable to them, in a natural and straightforward manner. The inbuilt, paradigms of Prolog result in declarative and easily readable logic algorithms. Backtracklng allows generate and test techniques to be applied liberally to the solution of many of the problems. As will be demonstrated within this paper the amalgamation of the two formalisms bond graphs and logic - produces novel solutions to the problems posed within the field of dynamic systems.

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