
It is obvious that the whole world is so much concerned about the terrifying escalation of climate change in the recent time period. This climate change effect can be visible in the land, atmospheric and oceanic area simultaneously. Though there have been multiple attempts of proposing solutions concerning the protection for the land area environmental balance, monitoring and surveillance. But unfortunately there have been a very handful of research work which predominantly concerns about the protection upon the environmental state of marine biological species and its ecosystem. So, the following research study proposes a solution which appears to be a full-fledged Bluetooth controlled Submarine prototype with a sensory chipboard attached inside its endo-skeleton which contains multiple sensors like DHT11 temperature-humidity, dust, CO2 and YL69 pH sensors. The sensory data provides the information of underwater whether the naval environment is habitable for the marine biological species or not, under the terrible effect of global climate change. The submarine prototype is fully functional in the surface and underwater scenario which contains a very unique mechanical design and circuitry with an exceptional sensor data streaming capability which can be used by marine biological researchers and oceanographers professionally as a full-fledged marine ecosystem monitoring device.
 Climate change is causing a very alarming effect in the oceanic area which is constantly threatening the future of marine biological species. The paper focuses on the constant monitoring over spacies with the help of a multi-sensory submarine with real time sensory data and remote navigation
 The unique clustering of multi-sensory circuity makes the sensory data more reliable while the vacuum controlled hydraulic pump motors make the navigation and diving of the submarine prototype very preciseand swift
 The navigation can be controlled with a globally unique and customized Submarine Navigator Smartphone Application
 The multi-sensory marine species monitoring submarine prototype appears to be a torch-bearer of the amalgamation of the fields such as IOT-Sensors and Robotics which paves the way for further IOT and Naval Robotics Research

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