
Abstract-- IoT devices are having self-configuration in nature for establishing adhoc networks to monitor physical activities like environmental sensing, Intelligent Traffic Management Systems (ITMS) and so on even in unmanned areas. Benefits of these networks are numerous and few of them are no infrastructure and deploying spontaneously, cost effective set up of temporary and dynamic networks and so on. Moreover, characteristics like unreliable wireless links, resource constraints related to energy and power and dynamic topology, makes the protocols that are developed recently to ignore the security needs with the intention of satisfying quality of service (QoS). IoT makes the jobs easier and smarter, but still security mechanisms are challenging for resource constrained devices like denial of service attacks (Stuxnet), blackhole attacks are the examples of attacks which maliciously controls these devices causing damage. Remote Attestation (RA) is one tool which efficiently identifies a malicious entity in the network. However, the proposed tool not suitable for large size mobile IoT networks, where nodes are connected in heterogeneous manner with resource constraints for the nodes. It is understood that it is necessary to do the necessary research for extending the network life time of resources constraint nodes existing in the network along with secure connection between nodes of the network, In present work, proposed a probability-based attestation scheme (PROB_ATT) for improving routing and security in IoT network. With the help of the estimated probability value of network path, attestation value is included in the network along with data. With application of trickle time, attestation is verified and data transmission is performed. After estimation of probability within network data transmission is performed based on trust mechanism. Simulation analysis stated that PROB_ATTT scheme reduces energy consumption, packet loss ratio and delay as 20%, 10% and 5% respectively when compared with Machine Learning based RPL protocol. Whereas the other important performance metrics: energy efficiency, throughput and Packet delivery rate performance is improved around 20% than ML based RPL protocol. Keywords-- Attestation scheme, Probability attestation scheme (PROB_ATT), Security, Trust Mechanism, Trickle Timer, MAC layer,RPL,ML_RPL protocol

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