
We introduce an equitable version of proper labellings of graphs, where the notion of equitability is with respect to the resulting vertex sums. That is, we are interested in k-labellings where, when computing the sums of labels incident to the vertices, we get a vertex-colouring that is not proper only, but also equitable. For a given graph G, we are interested in the parameter χ¯Σ(G), which is the smallest k≥1 (if any) such that G admits such k-labellings.Through examples of particular graph classes, we observe that this new parameter χ¯Σ behaves sort of similarly to the parameters χΣ and s, whose parameters lie behind the 1-2-3 Conjecture and the irregularity strength of graphs, in a more or less strong way, depending on the graphs considered. We then prove general bounds on χ¯Σ, showing that, in some contexts (trees and connected graphs with large minimum degree), this parameter is bounded above by roughly 3n4 for an n-graph. We also prove that determining χ¯Σ is NP-hard in general, and finish off with directions for further work on the topic.

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