
The three-dimensional scattering by a hemi-spherical canyon in an elastic half-space subjected to seismic plane and spherical waves has long been a challenging boundary-value problem. It has been studied by earthquake engineers and strong-motion seismologists to understand the amplification effects caused by surface topography. The scattered and diffracted waves will, in all cases, consist of both longitudinal (P-) and shear (S-) shear waves. Together, at the half-space surface, these waves are not orthogonal over the infinite plane boundary of the half-space. Thus, to simultaneously satisfy both zero normal and shear stresses on the plane boundary numerical approximation of the geometry and/or wave functions were required, or in some cases, relaxed (disregarded). This paper re-examines this boundary-value problem from the applied mathematics point of view, and aims to redefine the proper form of the orthogonal spherical-wave functions for both the longitudinal and shear waves, so that they can together simultaneously satisfy the zero-stress boundary conditions at the half-space surface. With the zero-stress boundary conditions satisfied at the half-space surface, the most difficult part of the problem will be solved, and the remaining boundary conditions at the finite canyon surface will be easy to satisfy.

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