
We present a generalization of concept of bounded $l$-index for meromorphic functions of finite order. Using known results for entire functions of bounded $l$-index we obtain similar propositions for meromorphic functions. There are presented analogs of Hayman's theorem and logarithmic criterion for this class. The propositions are widely used to investigate $l$-index boundedness of entire solutions of differential equations. Taking this into account we raise a general problem of generalization of some results from theory of entire functions of bounded $l$-index by meromorphic functions of finite order and their applications to meromorphic solutions of differential equations. There are deduced sufficient conditions providing $l$-index boundedness of meromoprhic solutions of finite order for the Riccati differential equation. Also we proved that the Weierstrass $\wp$-function has bounded $l$-index with $l(z)=|z|.$

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