
This study examined the time–activity budget of adult ostriches under winter conditions during morning and afternoon time periods. Male and female adult ostriches, maintained in pairs and trios on a commercial ostrich farm in Britain, were observed during February 1997. Weather conditions experienced by the ostriches included periods of rain, high winds, overcast days and bright sunny days. Temperatures ranged from 0 to 13°C. Feeding on concentrate food was the most frequent behaviour during the morning, whereas foraging from the pasture was the largest part of the time–activity budget in the afternoon. This difference was due to the concentrate ration being delivered during the morning. During either time period, feeding and foraging combined took up over 50% of the time–activity budget with standing taking up another 20%. The frequency of sitting was higher during the afternoon. Locomotory behaviours formed a small part of the time–activity budget with movement around the enclosure usually being achieved whilst foraging. With the exception of searching, no significant gender differences were observed for any behaviour. Males had a more varied behavioural repertoire in the afternoon. Welfare concerns have been raised over the suitability of the European climate for keeping ostriches on farms. Given the importance of feeding and foraging during winter, freedom from hunger has to a high priority in developing the appropriate husbandry systems for ostriches.

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