
Preliminary observations on chironomid assemblages in 9 temporary pools of the National Park of Circeo (Central Italy) are reported. A total of 15 genera or species groups (6 Orthocladiinae, 3 Tanypodinae, 1 Tanytarsini and 5 Chironomini) were recorded during March and April, 1986.Psectrotanypus varius, Polypedilum nubeculosum gr.,Chironomus thummi gr. andC. plumosus gr. were the most abundant and frequent taxa in the nine pools. Almost all chironomids collected are eurytopic and widely distributed in Europe, including Italian waters. Only the finding ofGymnometriocnemus is reported in this paper as a new record for Central Italy. Similarity among pools and among taxa (coefficient of Jaccard) shows a major occurrence of aquatic Orthocladiinae in smaller pools and of Chironomini in larger pools. This relationship between chironomid assemblages and pool sizes can be partly related to the duration of the wet phase which affects chironomid species according to their survival strategies.

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