
ABSTRACTThree groups of winter-housed Friesian cows were fed according to maintenance and production requirements on dairy cake and poor quality hay for 5 weeks (5 cows), 4 weeks (4 cows) or 2 weeks (3 cows). They were then treated as one group with two injections of 500 μg cloprostenol 11 days apart to synchronize oestrus, followed by insemination 72 and 96 h after the second treatment.Blood samples were taken for β-carotene estimation 1 day before the first cloprostenol injection, 3 days before the second injection, and the day after the second insemination. Conception was confirmed by rectal examination. Haematological parameters and metabolic profiles for all 12 cows were in the normal range and condition scores showed no correlation with time of conception. However, plasma β-carotene levels declined rapidly and uniformly between the three sample points for all cows. The individual animal means were directly correlated with length of time on the described diet and with time of conception (P<005). A theory of β-carotene involvement in ovarian function is advanced.

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