
A Note from the JAIE Editorial Staff With Appreciation - As We Move To a New Publisher and Format This issue State issue 54.1 University's of (Spring JAIE marks 2015), Center the the for last University Indian as an"in-house" Education ofMinnesota (CIE). publication Press Beginning will ofArizona assume with StateUniversity's Center forIndianEducation(CIE). Beginning with issue54.1 (Spring 2015),theUniversity ofMinnesota Presswillassume responsibility forpublishing, disseminating, andmarketing theJournal. We embark onthispathafter considerable deliberation andwithgreatoptimism, as it will ensurea more securefinancialfuture and a more extensive readership basefor theJournal ,whilebestowing theimprimatur andextensive publishing expertise of a premier academicpress.We arehonored to have JAIEincludedamongtheUniversity of MinnesotaPresspublications. All editorial decisions - theintake, review, anddecision-making onmanuscripts - willremain with theeditors affiliated with theCIE, andtheArizonaBoard ofRegents willretain theJournal9 s copyright. After53 yearsof in-housepublication, theJournalhas amasseda significant debtofgratitude. In thespace allotted, we cannotthank all who havecontributed to JAIE'slongevity and standing in thefieldas a leading scholarly journalinAmerican IndianandIndigenous education. We do want to acknowledge thedistinguished editors whocamebefore us: founding coeditors Robert A. Roessel, Jr. andBruceS. Meador, George Gill(Omaha),John TippeconnicIII (Comanche),JohnRedhorse(Cherokee),Karen Gayton Swisher Comeau(Standing RockSioux),Octaviana Trujillo(Yoeme),Denis Viri,and David Beaulieu(WhiteEarthChippewa).The Journal wouldnot havesurvived forso longwithout thededication andtalent ofthelateLaura Williams, whoservednineeditors over30 years, carefully monitoring JAIE subscriptions andadministration. We also thank thelegionofexpert scholars whohaveservedas manuscript reviewers, andmembers ofJAIE'seditorial board,whoseeditorial guidancehas been invaluable.We thankour local printer, IronwoodLithographers, and IronwoodPressrepresentative Randy Peck,who,amongother services "beyond thecall,"frequently hand-delivered pageproofs andpersonally oversaw thedelivery ofpublished issues.Andwe expressourdeepappreciation to James(Jim)Ross,theJournal'stypesetter formorethanhalfof its life.Jim'sattention to detail,carefuleye for inconsistencies and errors, sense of aesthetics, and eternalpatiencewith overshot deadlines areattributes that havegreatly supported oureditorial staff andensured a consistent, visually attractive, high-quality product. 68 Journal of American Indian Education -Volume 53,Issue3,2014 We save ourfinalthanks toyou,theJournal's readers. We knowyou bring thesamepassionandcommitment tothefieldofAmerican Indianand IndigenouseducationthatinspiredJAIE's establishment and has been instrumental toitscontinuance. So, comeSpring, pleaselookfora newcover designandpublisher, butthesamedistinctive JASE content. We lookforward toinaugurating thisnext erainthelifeoftheJournal with you. - Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy, K. Tsianina Lomawaima, and TeresaL. McCarty, Co-editors - Jeston Morris, Assistant Editor - MarieLevie,BusinessandSubscription Manager Journal of American Indian Education -53,Issue3,2014 69 ...

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