
It is urgent yet challenging to develop new environmentally friendly and cost-effective sources of energy. Molecular solar thermal (MOST) systems for energy capture and storage are a promising option. With this in mind, we have prepared a new water-soluble (pH > 6) norbornadiene derivative (HNBD1) whose MOST properties are reported here. HNBD1 shows a better matching to the solar spectrum compared to unmodified norbornadiene, with an onset absorbance of λonset = 364 nm. The corresponding quadricyclane photoisomer (HQC1) is quantitatively generated through the light irradiation of HNBD1. In an alkaline aqueous solution, the MOST system consists of the NBD1-/QC1- pair of deprotonated species. QC1- is very stable toward thermal back-conversion to NBD1-; it is absolutely stable at 298 K for three months and shows a marked resistance to temperature increase (half-life t½ = 587 h at 371 K). Yet, it rapidly (t½ = 11 min) releases the stored energy in the presence of the Co(II) porphyrin catalyst Co-TPPC (ΔHstorage = 65(2) kJ∙mol-1). Under the explored conditions, Co-TPPC maintains its catalytic activity for at least 200 turnovers. These results are very promising for the creation of MOST systems that work in water, a very interesting solvent for environmental sustainability, and offer a strong incentive to continue research towards this goal.

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