
A simple, inexpensive pediatric pulsatile roller blood pump has been utilized for routine cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) procedures, extracorporeal life support (ECLS), and left/right ventricular assist systems (LVAS/RVAS) for decades in France. This particular nonocclusive pulsatile system has many advantages including several safety features for patients as well as an extremely lower cost. The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of this particular system for CPB, ECLS, and LVAS/RVAS in pulsatile mode. This pediatric nonocclusive system was evaluated with pump flow rates of 500, 750, and 1000 mL/min under normothermic (35°C) and hypothermic (25°C) conditions in CPB, ECLS, and LVAS/RVAS circuits using clinical disposables and settings. Energy equivalent pressure (EEP), surplus homodynamic energy (SHE), and total hemodynamic energy (THE) were calculated for each experimental stage. The pump generated near physiological quality of pulsatile flow without backflow in the three simulated pediatric circuits. With increased flow rates, more hemodynamic energy was delivered to the pseudo patient. This particular nonocclusive pediatric pulsatile system performed well during all of the experimental conditions and generated adequate quality pulsatile pressure-flow waveforms using CPB, ECLS, and LVAS/RVAS circuitry. Although this novel concept was first introduced in the 1990s, we believe that there is still need for this technology (with engineering modifications) because of significant advantages including safety and cost.

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