
Constitutive laws in terms of the logarithmic strain tensor logU, i.e. the principal matrix logarithm of the stretch tensor U=FTF corresponding to the deformation gradient F, have been a subject of interest in nonlinear elasticity theory for a long time. In particular, there have been multiple attempts to derive a viable constitutive law of nonlinear elasticity from an elastic energy potential which depends solely on the logarithmic strain measure ‖logU‖2, i.e. an energy function W:GL+(n)→R of the form (1)W(F)=Ψ(‖logU‖2)with a suitable function Ψ:[0,∞)→R, where ‖.‖ denotes the Frobenius matrix norm and GL+(n) is the group of invertible matrices with positive determinant.However, while such energy functions enjoy a number of favorable properties, we show that it is not possible to find a strictly monotone function Ψ such that W of the form (1) is Legendre–Hadamard elliptic.Similarly, we consider the related isochoric strain measure ‖devnlogU‖2, where devnlogU is the deviatoric part of logU. Although a polyconvex energy function in terms of this strain measure has recently been constructed in the planar case n=2, we show that for n≥3, no strictly monotone function Ψ:[0,∞)→R exists such that F↦Ψ(‖devnlogU‖2) is polyconvex or even rank-one convex. Moreover, a volumetric-isochorically decoupled energy of the form F↦Ψ(‖devnlogU‖2)+Wvol(detF) cannot be rank-one convex for any function Wvol:(0,∞)→R if Ψ is strictly monotone.

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