
We present a new non-blind digital image watermarking method for embedding a binary logo in an image, based on the dual-tree complex discrete wavelet transform (DT-CDWT) and interval arithmetic (IA). As our experimental results demonstrated, since the high-frequency components obtained by using DT-CDWT and IA contained a low-frequency component, we may expect that the image quality and robustness is maintained even if we embed the watermark into the high-frequency components. A watermark was embedded in several high-frequency components. We describe our watermarking procedure in detail and report experimental results demonstrating that our method gives watermarked images that have better quality and that are robust against attacks such as marking, clipping, contrast tuning (MATLAB histeq and imadjust commands), addition of Gaussian white noise, addition of salt & pepper noise, JPEG and JPEG2000 compression, and rotation.

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