
Avian-leukosis-free females from Regional Poultry Research Laboratory (RPRL) inbred lines 6(1) and 7(2) were inseminated with pooled semen from RPRL line 15I5 males. The progeny resulting from the two crosses 15I5 X 6(1) and 15I5 X 7(2) were of the B2/B15 major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genotype, the B2 haplotypes from lines 6(1) and 7(2) being indistinguishable. When challenged with Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) at 6 weeks of age, 30 out of 31 progeny of cross 15I5 X 6(1) developed tumors that rapidly regressed, whereas 26 of 29 progeny of cross 15I5 X 7(2) died with progressive tumor growth. On the other hand, 15 of 18 B2/B15 segregants from the three-way cross (15I5 X 6(3]F1 X 7(2), identical in source to the MHC of the (15I5 X 7(2]F1 progressors, were characterized by tumor regression. Thus influences associated with non-MHC background genes from lines 6(1), 6(3), and 7(2) appeared to be critical to host response to RSV-induced sarcomas. Similar findings suggesting a strong non-MHC influence on anti-sarcoma response were obtained using 107 F2 and 77 backcross progeny of RPRL line 100 and noninbred University of New Hampshire (UNH) line 105. The B2 haplotype of line 100 was associated with tumor regression when combined with the line 105 background and with tumor progression when expressed on the line 100 background. Suppression of the anti-tumor response associated with line 100 appeared to be fairly generalized, since a poor response to tumor was observed regardless of which of three subgroups of RSV was used to induce tumor.

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