
Gustatory testing using the whole-mouth method was performed in 123 healthy young male and female subjects. The average thresholds for detection and recognition of the four basic tastes were not greatly different from the normal thresholds previously reported in Japan: a 0.0165 M solution of sucrose for sweet taste, a 0.0316 M solution of table salt for salty taste, a 0.000743 M solution of tartaric acid for sour taste and a 0.0000203 M solution of quinine hydrochloride for bitter taste. These results indicate that the whole-mouth gustatory test procedure employed in this study may be useful for evaluating gustatory function clinically. Principal components analysis confirmed that sweet, salty, sour and bitter are indeed the four basic tastes and revealed that the sensation of taste is detected before the specific taste is recognized, regardless of the specific taste tested.

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