
The body image experiences of young Aboriginal women are very complex and influence health in a variety of ways; subsequently, young Aboriginal women have voiced the need for action. The purpose of our research was to engage in a collaborative, school-based participatory action research (PAR) project in partnership with a local high school to provide young women, primarily young Aboriginal women, with an opportunity to manage their body image experiences in an effective manner. Students, teachers, and staff of Nutana Collegiate in Saskatchewan, Canada participated in this project, which took place from September 2006 to June 2007. The two primary phases of this PAR project were focused on building relationships and collaboratively developing action initiatives. The development and implementation of action at the individual, school, provincial, and national levels was the most significant outcome of this research. Findings suggest that universities and local high schools can and should work together to develop school-based body image programs for young Aboriginal women. As well, and maybe most importantly, this research highlights the strength of using PAR methodologies when engaging young Aboriginal women in body image research.

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