
Abstract. The Community Atmosphere–Biosphere Land Exchange model (CABLE) is a land surface model (LSM) that can be applied stand-alone and provides the land surface–atmosphere exchange within the Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator (ACCESS). We describe new developments that extend the applicability of CABLE for regional and global carbon–climate simulations, accounting for vegetation responses to biophysical and anthropogenic forcings. A land use and land cover change module driven by gross land use transitions and wood harvest area was implemented, tailored to the needs of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6 (CMIP6). Novel aspects include the treatment of secondary woody vegetation, which benefits from a tight coupling between the land use module and the Population Orders Physiology (POP) module for woody demography and disturbance-mediated landscape heterogeneity. Land use transitions and harvest associated with secondary forest tiles modify the annually resolved patch age distribution within secondary vegetated tiles, in turn affecting biomass accumulation and turnover rates and hence the magnitude of the secondary forest sink. Additionally, we implemented a novel approach to constrain modelled GPP consistent with the coordination hypothesis and predicted by evolutionary theory, which suggests that electron-transport- and Rubisco-limited rates adjust seasonally and across biomes to be co-limiting. We show that the default prior assumption – common to CABLE and other LSMs – of a fixed ratio of electron transport to carboxylation capacity at standard temperature (Jmax, 0∕Vcmax, 0) is at odds with this hypothesis; we implement an alternative algorithm for dynamic optimisation of this ratio such that coordination is achieved as an outcome of fitness maximisation. The results have significant implications for the magnitude of the simulated CO2 fertilisation effect on photosynthesis in comparison to alternative estimates and observational proxies. These new developments enhance CABLE's capability for use within an Earth system model and in stand-alone applications to attribute trends and variability in the terrestrial carbon cycle to regions, processes and drivers. Model evaluation shows that the new model version satisfies several key observational constraints: (i) trend and interannual variations in the global land carbon sink, including sensitivities of interannual variations to global precipitation and temperature anomalies; (ii) centennial trends in global GPP; (iii) coordination of Rubisco-limited and electron-transport-limited photosynthesis; (iv) spatial distributions of global ET, GPP, biomass and soil carbon; and (v) age-dependent rates of biomass accumulation in boreal, temperate and tropical secondary forests. CABLE simulations agree with recent independent assessments of the global land–atmosphere flux partition that use a combination of atmospheric inversions and bottom-up constraints. In particular, there is agreement that the strong CO2-driven sink in the tropics is largely cancelled by net deforestation and forest degradation emissions, leaving the Northern Hemisphere (NH) extratropics as the dominant contributor to the net land sink.


  • The Community Atmosphere–Biosphere Land Exchange model (CABLE) is a land surface model (LSM) that can be applied in stand-alone applications and provides the land surface–atmosphere exchange within the Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator (ACCESS; Kowalczyk et al, 2013; Law et al, 2017; Ziehn et al, 2017)

  • The current paper describes updates to CABLE (Haverd et al, 2017) targeting two key areas that have been identified as limitations in the applicability and utility of the existing generation of LSMs: (i) land use and land cover change (LULCC, hereafter abbreviated to LUC) and (ii) adaptation of photosynthesis to changing environmental conditions

  • We develop a novel LUC scheme for CABLE that is driven by LUH2 gross transitions and represents age effects on biomass dynamics in all tiles with woody vegetation, including those occupied by secondary forest

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The Community Atmosphere–Biosphere Land Exchange model (CABLE) is a land surface model (LSM) that can be applied in stand-alone applications and provides the land surface–atmosphere exchange within the Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator (ACCESS; Kowalczyk et al, 2013; Law et al, 2017; Ziehn et al, 2017). Additional model updates based on existing parameterisations from the literature include the following: (i) drought and summergreen phenology (Sitch et al, 2003; Sykes et al, 1996); (ii) low-temperature reductions in photosynthetic rates in boreal forests (Bergh et al, 1998); (iii) photoinhibition of leaf day respiration (Clark et al, 2011); and (iv) acclimation of autotrophic respiration (Atkin et al, 2016).

Land use and land cover change
Coordination of photosynthesis
Paper structure
Model description
Model developments
POPLUC land use and land cover change module
Mapping land use tile types to CABLE plant functional types
Tracking land use area fractions and secondary forest age distribution
Redistribution of carbon stocks following land use change
Review of model for net photosynthesis
Dynamic optimisation of bJV: assumptions
Dynamic optimisation of bJV: method
Modelling protocol
Forcing data
Simulation scenarios
Temperate and boreal forests
Land use change and forest change: illustrative examples
Tropical forests
Land use change and forest change: global implications
Coordination of leaf photosynthesis: illustrative examples
The global net land carbon sink
Conclusion and future directions
Additional model updates
Drought and summergreen phenology
Low-temperature effects on boreal forest photosynthesis
Photoinhibition of leaf day respiration
Acclimation of autotrophic respiration
Full Text
Paper version not known

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