
This letter presents the discovery of a new type oscillations associated with inverter-based resources (IBRs) in weak grids. While typical weak grid oscillations become worse when the grid strength decreases and the power exporting level increases, this new type of oscillations appear when the grid becomes weaker and the power exporting level decreases. Electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulation results are presented, along with eigenvalue loci for a varying power. The notable signatures of such oscillations are also remarked. In further analysis, a feedback system consisting of two blocks is derived with one block associated with the phase-locked-loop (PLL) and the other associated with the rest of the system. This feedback system quantitatively demonstrates why insufficient damping in the PLL may be an issue for stability. Open-loop analysis shows that a larger phase lag in angle tracking in the low-frequency range due to high power exporting level at the weak grid condition is beneficial to the open-loop poles introduced by the PLL. And this is the reason why such oscillations may appear when power is ramping down.

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