
In many organisms, synonymous codon usage is biased by a history of natural selection. However, codon bias, itself, does not indicate that selection is ongoing; it may be a vestige of past selection. Simple statistical tests have been devised to infer ongoing selection on codon usage by comparing the derived state frequency spectra at polymorphic sites segregating either derived preferred codons or derived unpreferred codons; if selection is effective, the frequency of derived states should be higher in the former. We propose a new test that uses the inferred degree of preference, essentially calculating the correlation of derived state frequency and the difference in preference between the derived and the ancestral states; the correlation should be positive if selection is effective. When implementing the test, derived and ancestral states can be assigned by parsimony or on the basis of relative probability. In either case, statistical significance is estimated by a simple permutation test. We explored the statistical power of the test by sampling polymorphism data from 14 loci in 16 strains of D. simulans, finding that the test retains 80% power even when quite a few of the data are discarded. The power of the test likely reflects better use of multiple features of the data, combining population frequencies of polymorphic variants and quantitative estimates of codon preferences. We also applied this novel test to 14 newly sequenced loci in five strains of D. mauritiana, showing for the first time ongoing selection on codon usage in this species.

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