
A useful vector, pAGE103, has been developed for the expression of cDNA in animal cells using the simian virus 40 (SV40) expression signals. cDNA could be expressed easily by inserting it into the multiple cloning sites (HindIII, SalI/AccI, XbaI, BamHI, SmaI/XmaI, KpnI/Asp718, SacI and EcoRI) of the vector, which are located between the SV40 early promoter and the SV40 early RNA processing signals for splicing and polyadenylation. In addition to the above transcription unit, pAGE103 contains the replication origin of ColE1, and a dual KmR/G418R selective gene. Several unique restriction sites are located on the boundaries between the above-mentioned three components of the vector, allowing the easy substitution or insertion of other genetic elements. The human interferon-beta gene was inserted into pAGE103 and shown to be expressed transiently in COS-1 cells and stably in several animal cell lines.

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