
Head, exclusive of mandibles, one-seventh to one-ninth longer than broad, narrower in front than behind, with entire and gently rounded posterior border, rounded posterior angles, and weakly convex sides. Eye large, convex, oblong, little more than its greatest diameter from base of mandible. Antenna long and slender, scape approximately as long as the combined lengths of the first 7 or 8 funicular segments; middle funicular segments about twice as long as wide. Clypeus sharply cannate, anterior border entire, projecting medianly. Frontal and ocellar triangles almost equilateral. Frontal carinae slightly diverging behind. A faint frontal furrow often extending as far backward as anterior ocellus. Mandible 7or 8-toothed. Maxillary palpus long, slender, 6-segmented. Thorax long, narrow; mesoepinotal constriction shallow; base and declivity of epinotum subequal, the base sloping to meet the declivity in an obtuse angle. Pronotum viewed from above almost as long as broad; mesonotum approximately one and a half times as long as broad. Petiole with a moderately convex anterior surface, and flat posterior surface, the two meeting above to form a sharp, straight or sometimes feebly rounded superior border. Gaster small. Legs long and slender.

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