
The quantification of the complexity of network is a fundamental problem in the research of complex networks. There are many methods that have been proposed to solve this problem. Most of the existing methods are based on the Shannon entropy. In this paper, a new method which is based on the nonextensive statistical mechanics is proposed to quantify the complexity of complex network. On the other hand, most of the existing methods are based on a single structure factor, such as the degree of each node or the betweenness of each node. In the proposed method, both of the influence of the degree and betweenness are quantified. In the new method, the degree of each node is used as the constitution of the discrete probability distribution. The betweenness centrality is used as the entropic index q. The nodes which have big value of degree and betweenness will be have big influence on the quantification of network’s structure complexity. In order to describe the relationship between the nodes and the whole network more reasonable, a entropy index set is defined in this new method. Therefore, every node’s influence on the network structure will be quantified. When the value of all the elements in the entropic index set is equal to 1, the new structure entropy is degenerated to the degree entropy. It means that the betweenness of each node in the network is equal to each other. And the structure complexity of the network is determined by the node’s degree distribution. In other words, the new structure entropy is a generalization of the existing degree structure entropy of complex networks. The new structure entropy can be used to quantify the complexity of complex networks, especially for the networks which have a special structure.

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