
(BEDO-TTF)4[Fe(CN)5NO] was synthesized by electrocrystallization using the nitroprussides M2[Fe(CN)5NO]·2H2O (M = K, Rb) as supporting electrolytes and TCE (1,1,2-trichloroethane) and DCE (1,2-dichloroethane) as solvents. The crystal structure of this new salt (a = 4.0251(3), b = 15.266(2), c = 19.259(2) A, α = 97.02(1), β = 93.23(1), γ = 96.04(1)°, V = 1165.1(2) A3, Z = 3/4, space group P) is characterized by the presence of β″-type radical cation layers and anion layers containing disordered nitroprusside anions. The stoichiometry was confirmed by a micro-Raman spectroscopic study and the band structure and Fermi surface of this new salt were studied by means of the extended Huckel tight binding method. (BEDO-TTF)4[Fe(CN)5NO] is a two dimensional metal stable down to liquid helium temperatures.

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