
Metabarcoding is a powerful tool to characterize biodiversity in biological samples. The interpretation of taxonomic profiles from metabarcoding data has been hindered by their compositional nature. Several strategies have been proposed to transform compositional data into quantitative data, but they have intrinsic limitations. Here, I propose a workflow based on bacterial and fungal cellular internal standards (spike-ins) for absolute quantification of the microbiota in soil samples. These standards were added to the samples before DNA extraction in amounts estimated after qPCRs, to target around 1-2% coverage in the sequencing run. In bacteria, proportions of spike-in reads in the sequencing run were very similar (< 2-fold change) to those predicted by the qPCR assessment, and for fungi they differed up to 40-fold. The low variation among replicates highlights the reproducibility of the method. Estimates based on multiple bacterial spike-ins were highly correlated (r = 0.99). Procrustes analysis evidenced significant biological effects on the community composition when normalizing compositional data. A protocol based on qPCR estimation of input amounts of cellular spikes is proposed as a cheap and reliable strategy for quantitative metabarcoding of biological samples.

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