
Tephritis alamutensis sp. nov. collected on flowerheads of Cousinia sp. cf. umbrosa (Asteraceae: Cardueae) in northern Iran is described. It is similar to T. ochroptera S. Korneyev, 2013, and T. afrostriata S. Korneyev, 2013 in body size and wing pattern coloration (yellowish body, pale wing pattern, cell r1 with two large spots and oviscape at least partly yellow), but differs from both species by the incised aculeus tip and setulose ventral side of vein R4 5, as well as details of the wing pattern. The new species is also compared with the superficially similar European species, T. vespertina (Loew, 1844). An improved key to species of Tephritis having the pale brown wing pattern is provided.

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