
Uronychia clapsae sp. n. was discovered in an artificial channel that drains an endorheic area from the “sandy Pampa” into the upper basin of Salado River, Buenos Aires, Argentina. This euplotid measures 56–112 μm × 42–70 μm in vivo, is oval in shape and the buccal field is enormous, occupying ca. 80% of body length. It is characterized by having two macronuclear nodules and one micronucleus; usually 10 anterior and invariably three posterior membranelles; right end of paroral hook-like; buccal cirrus base about 3.5–6.0 μm long; invariably four frontal, two ventral, three left marginal, four transverse, and three caudal cirri; six dorsal kineties, kinety 1 with 15–22 dikinetids. Most Uronychia species were recorded in marine habitats, while this new isolate was found in a slightly saline, inland water body. Taxonomic and nomenclatorial concerns on some species assigned to Uronychia are also discussed.

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