
In the course of preparation of the account of Plucheeae (Compositae) for the Flora of Ethiopia, species such as Pluchea pteroclada Chiov. and P. pectinata F. G. Davies & J. P. Lebrun, both abundant in Somalia, were found to be represented by one or a few herbarium specimens each from the Ogaden region, and southern Sidamo in Ethiopia, respectively. Extension of the study of specimens of Pluchea from Somalia at the herbaria in Nairobi (EA) and at Kew (K) revealed an undescribed but distinctive species with fleshy leaves. This species is here described and illustrated. Pluchea succulenta Mesfin, sp. nov. P. aromaticae Balf. f. similis sed foliis oblanceolatis sessilibus (non anguste ellipticis petiolatis) distinguitur; a P. heterophylla Vatke foliis oblanceolatis marginibus integris, foliorum paginis et phyllariis dense sessilio-glandulosis (non foliis obovato-oblongis, integris vel inciso-dentatis, foliorum paginis lepidoso-punctatis, ramis phyllariisque dense stipitato-glandulosis) differt. Typus: Somalia, E. Mijertein, Hafun Peninsula, 14 Nov. 1959, Hemming 1831 (holotypus EA; isotypus K). Bushy perennial herb or straggling shrub, up to 40 cm high; stem woody below, densely covered with marscecent leaves or with evident scars of leaf bases. Leaves simple, alternate or spiral and closely spaced on short internodes especially on young branches, oblanceolate, narrowed into the sessile base, succulent to sub-succulent, glabrous but with dense shiny resinous glands, 2-4-5 x 0 -5-1 -2 cm, margins entire. Capitula heterogamous, disciform, 8-10 x 6-12 mm, hemispherical, solitary and terminal or few, corymbosely arranged; peduncle up to 5 cm long, bracteate, densely sessile-glandular. Phyllaries 7-9-seriate, closely imbricate, continuous with bracts on peduncle, densely sessile-glandular, narrowly ovate with acute or acuminate apices, margins ciliate or shortly but regularly fimbriate; outer 2 - 2 - 5 x 0 - 6 -0-8 mm; inner 5-6 x 0-5-0-7 mm. Receptacle flat or slightly depressed in middle, epaleate. Corollas purple or mauve-pink. Outer florets female, 4- 5-seriate; corolla filiform, 5 - 2

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