
AbstractManoa pahayokeensis n. sp. is described from, and diagnoses are provided for, adults, pupal exuviae, and presumptive larvae collected from the Taylor Slough and Chekika areas of Everglades National Park, Florida. The generic description of Manoa is emended to accommodate M. pahayokeensis. Diagnostic autapomorphic character states for the genus include: for females, the medially divided floor under the vagina; for pupae, the elongate thoracic horn with characteristic tracheation, and the spine-like taeniae on the anal lobes; and for larvae, the stout, posteriorly curved procerci that arise close together from a posteromedian tubercle. Our collections are the first record of this rarely encountered tropical genus in North America and highlight the tropical component of the Everglades chironomid fauna. All specimens were collected from shallow-water marsh sites subject to water-level fluctuation and seasonal drying. Collection records for Manoa suggest the genus originated in Gondwanaland and arrived...

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