
A new bee species of the genus Ptiloglossa Smith (Colletidae: Diphaglossinae: Caupolicanini) is described and figured from Jalisco, Mexico, while new records are provided for Ptiloglossa cyaniventris Friese from Panama and a single locality in Costa Rica. Ptiloglossa chamelensis Ayala & Engel, new species, is endemic to Mexico and is close to P. rugata Moure, both sharing a similar shape in the fused metatibial spur, but in the new species the metatibia is widest at the level of the spur, and the female has black integument with dense yellow pubescence on metasomal terga I–IV. Ptiloglossa cyaniventris is newly recorded from males collected in Panama and Costa Rica and is characteristic for its dark integument, with intense metallic blue highlights on the metasomal terga, the narrow and long metatibia, and elongate metabasitarsus with an anterior, longitudinal ridge and slightly depressed outer surface.

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