
Abstract A new small-sized species of Leporinus is described from rio Braço Norte, a tributary of rio Teles Pires, in the Tapajós drainage in the Brazilian Amazon, and its phylogenetic position is proposed based on molecular data. The new species is diagnosed among Anostomidae by having three unicuspid teeth on the premaxilla and four on the dentary, 12 scale rows around the caudal peduncle, dark blotches on the trunk, and large non-midlateral dark blotches over the body, with one or two large blotches in region ventral to the lateral line between the pectoral and pelvic fins. DNA Barcode sequences suggest that the new species is closely related to Leporinus octomaculatus. In addition, samples of intermediate forms in altered areas are herein identified as putative hybrids between the new species and L. octomaculatus. The new species is popular in the international aquarium market, and its area of occurrence has been affected by anthropogenic changes in the last years.

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