
Hampea reynae is described from the rain forest of Montecristo National Park in northern El Salvador. Discovery of this species has implications for infrageneric subdivision of Hampea. Hampea reynae Fryxell, sp. nov. Arbor ad 8 m alta, caulibus dense atque minute brunneo-puberulis; laminis foliorum vulgo 3-lobulatis, circa quam latioribus quam longiori- bus, plerumque 3 nectariis foliorum prope basim laminae; pedicellis 2-3 in fasciculis axillaribus; nectariis involucellorum carentibus; bracteis in- volucellorum 3, filiformibus, 5-9 mm longis; floribus perfectis; calycibus obscure 5-dentatis; petalis flavidis, 1.5-2 cm longis, manifeste punctatis, glandulis nigris; androeceo conferto; stylis androecia excedentibus, lobis stigmaticis decurrentibus; capsulis 3-locularibus, subglobosis, 2-2.5 cm diametro, extra puberulentibus, intra albo-pubescentibus secus suturas, cetera glabris; seminibus arillatis, 2 in quoque loculo. Tree ca. 8 m tall. Stems densely and minutely brown-puberulent. Leaf blades sometimes simple, more commonly 3-lobulate (the lobes ascend- ing, acuminate), up to 23 cm long, about as broad (or narrower if un- lobed), stellate-pubescent beneath (densely so on nerves), sparsely pu- bescent to glabrate above except densely pubescent on principal nerves, palmately 7-9-nerved, the ultimate venation reticulate, in mature leaf each areola usually with 1(-2) black gossypol glands. Foliar nectaries usually 3, on principal nerves beneath within 1 cm of base of blade. Petioles 1/2-2/3 the length of blade, with pubescence like that of stem except hairs sometimes worn away on lower side revealing surface. Stipules filiform, brown-puberulent, 5-6 mm long, caducous. Pedicels in the axils of the leaves, 0.5-1.5 cm long, in fascicles of 2-3, with pubes- cence like that of stem. Involucellar nectaries lacking. Involucellar bracts 3, brown-puberulent, filiform, (3-)5-9 mm long. Flowers perfect. Calyx 7-10 mm long, brown-puberulent, subtruncate but with 5 obscure teeth discernible, becoming torn in flower and fruit to pseudo-lobate condi- tion, reflexed in fruit. Petals 1.5-2 cm long, pale yellow, prominently dotted with black glands, densely stellate-puberulent externally where exposed in bud, ciliate on claw, otherwise glabrous. Androecium com- pact, ca. half length of petals; anthers and pollen yellow-orange. Style exceeding androecium, pallid, with decurrent stigmatic lobes. Capsules 3-locular, subglobose, 2-2.5 cm long, dark green (but brown when dry), whitish-pubescent along suture margin but otherwise glabrous in- 442

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