
A new species of the Neotropical dragonfly genus Gomphoides Selys, 1854 (Odonata: Gomphidae) is erected from the Cerrado of central Brazil, distinguished by epiproct morphology, body coloration and wing venation. Gomphoides davi Datto-Liberato Guillermo-Ferreira sp. nov. resembles G. perdita (Frster, 1914), but is distinguished from it by the S10 black, while it is yellow in G. perdita; four cells in the subtriangle of Fw while there are three cells in G. perdita and epiproct shorter than half of the length of cerci while epiproct is more than half the length of the cerci in G. perdita. We also provide additional information for other Gomphoides species. The discovery of a new species in the Environmental Protection Area of the Uberaba River, Minas Gerais, raises concern for the conservation of the biodiversity of the area, mainly because of recent threats due to cattle herding and agriculture.

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