
A new species of the limatulus setosus group, Endalus pumilis, is described for Texas. The female of Endalus celatus Burke, a species previously known only from a male, is described. The following weevils of interest have accumulated since my review (Burke, 1961) of the limatulus-setosus group of the genus Endalus. The new species described herein increases to eight the number of North American members of the group. Endalus pumilis, n. sp. (Figs. 3, 6)--Holotype female: Body length, 1.85 mm. Rostrum-length, 0.41 mm. Prothorax-length, 0.44 mm.; width 0.59 mm. Elytra-length, 1.30 mm.; width, 0.77 mm. Elongate-oval; integument of body piceous except for dark reddish lateral margins of elytra; scape of antenna, bases of pro and meso- femora, tarsi, and apex of rostrum rufescent. Body above densely clothed with agglutinated scales which are mottled brown and dirty gray with a brassy tint; scales on underside with well defined margins, mostly gray. Rostrum just slightly shorter than prothorax, evenly curved, be- coming gradually broader toward apex as viewed from above; ru- gosely punctate beneath scales from base to point of antennal attach- ments, thence bare, shining, finely and remotely punctate to apex; upper and lower margins of suprascrobal groove well defined, groove filled with gray scales; scrobes deep, descending to underside of ros- trum well before eyes. Antennae attached slightly in front of middle of rostrum; scape straight, strongly clavate on apical half; funicular segments covered with broad gray scales, segment 1 stout and slightly broader than apex of scape, as long as next three segments combined, segment 2 as long as 3 + 4, segments 3, 4, and 5 equal in size, segment 6 slightly broader with a whorl of semierect dark setae; club broadly oval, as long as preceding 5 funicular segments combined. Eyes oval,

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