
Cryphaea floridensis is described as a new species from Collier County, Florida. It is differentiated from C. glomerata var. scabra Grout most clearly by having a single peristome of brown teeth and less roughened awns of the perichaetial leaves. While on a trip to Florida in 1959, Lewis E. Anderson and I collected a Cryphaea which we took to be C. glomerata var. scabra Grout. On closer examination of this This content downloaded from on Tue, 06 Sep 2016 05:02:07 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms 1970] SHORT ARTICLES 381 collection, as a part of an extensive review of all the species known from the southeastern United States, I have discovered several differences from that variety, most important being a single peristome and slightly spinulose awns of the perichaetial leaves. Cryphaea floridensis Crum, sp. nov. Plantae rigidae, obscure viridis. Caulis parce ramulosus. Folia sicca imbricata, madida patentia, ca. 1.3 mm longa, ovata, acuta, -decurrentia, marginibus planis et integris; costa infra apicem evanida; cellulae superiores oblongo-rhomboides, ca. 2:1, pachydermicae, dorse modice papillosae. Autoica; folia perichaetialia a caulinis valde diversa, convoluta, pallida, ca. 2-2.5 mm longa, late oblonga vel obovata, abrupte in arista +_ viride et leniter spinulosa terminata. Capsula subsessilis, oblongo-cylindrica, ca. 1.3 mm longa; annulus latiusculus, deciduus; operculum conicum; peristomium simplex, dentes fusci, lineali-lanceolati, dense papillosi. Sporae 22-26k crassae, punctulatae. Calyptrae, superne scabrida. Plants in loose, dull, green, rigid tufts. Stems sparsely and irregularly branched. Leaves imbricate when dry, wide-spreading when moist, about 1.3 mm long, ovate, acute, somewhat decurrent; margins plane, entire; costa ending about % up the leaf; upper cells oblong-rhombic, ca. 11-14 x 6.5k (ca. 2:1), thick-walled, moderately papillose at back because of thickened and projecting upper ends; cells at middle of base oblong-linear, those at margins in the lower half of the leaf transversely shortoblong in many rows. Autoicous; perichaetial leaves large and clasping, ca. 2-2.5 mm long, pale, the inner ones abruptly narrowed from an oblong or oblong-ovate base to a long, stout, greenish, somewhat spinulose awn, the outer ones less abruptly narrowed. Setae virtually lacking; capsules oblong-cylindric, about 1.3 mm long; annulus well developed, deciduous; operculum conic; stomata superficial, few, at extreme base of the urn; peristome single, the teeth inserted at or near the mouth, brown, linearlanceolate, densely papillose. Spores 22-26M, finely papillose. Calyptrae small, conicmitrate, papillose because of thickened and projecting upper ends in the upper half

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