
Cruddasia Prain is a small Asian genus of Leguminosae (Papilionoideae: Phaseoleae: Ophrestiinae). It is closely related to Ophrestia H. M. L. Forbes and Pseudoeriosema Hauman (Lackey 1977, 1981). The three genera differ, according to Lackey (1981), in number of flowers per fascicle (2 in Ophrestia and Pseudoeriosema, 2 5 in Cruddasia); indumentum of the inner side of the calyx teeth (pubescent in Cruddasia, glabrous in Ophrestia and Pseudoeriosema), and the indumentum of the keel and wing petals (glabrous in Cruddasia, often hairy in Ophrestia and Pseudoeriosema). However, the differences between Cruddasia and Ophrestia could not be confirmed by a study of the species available to the first author (five of Cruddasia, three of Ophrestia). Up to now only the difference in hairiness of the stigma seems to be constant. Cruddasia species have more-or-less hairy stigmas, from a few hairs to a complete ring of hairs below the stigma; Ophrestia species have glabrous stigmas. This, however, seems hardly enough to keep the genera separate. A future monographic study may lead to unification. Cruddasia is an Asian genus, Ophrestia an African one.

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