
Boletellus shoreae is proposed as a new species characterized by a combination of features i.e. small (15–40 mm in diameter), brownish red to reddish brown pileus, yellow pore surface turning green when hurt or bruised, brown with 5% KOH, a stipe that is yellow in upper 1/4 of its length but brownish red in lower 3/4 of its length, becoming green in upper part and greyish red to red towards base with maturity and/or on bruising, basidiospores that are broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid, sometimes oblong, inequilateral, and by the occurrence on ground under Shorea robusta in tropical dry deciduous forest. Morphological description, supporting illustrations and phylogenetic analyses based on nrITS and nrLSU (28S) sequence data are also provided.

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