
The Cretaceous is a key period for the evolution of ants. Zigrasimecia is a genus endemic to mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber. In previous studies, four species of the genus based on worker and/or queen castes have been reported and three wing types of gyne within the genus have been described. We report here a new species, Zigrasimecia zui sp. nov., based on a worker specimen, the morphological details of which are investigated and reconstructed by using Micro-CT and other techniques. Moreover, a new wing type is reported based on a gyne specimen. By comparison with the compound eyes and other structures of extant ants, we propose that species of Zigrasimecia had the capability for surface-dwelling or burrowing. This work augments the species diversity of Zigrasimecia, and provides direct evidence for the variety of ecological niches that may have been occupied by members of this genus.

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