
A new spectrofluorimetric method more sensitive than the Ellman method was developed for determination of both acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase activity and for kinetic analysis of these enzymes and their mutants. Two selected mutants of human butyrylcholinesterase (E197Q and E197G) were included in this work. As for the Ellman's method, substrates are thiocholine esters, but the chromogenic reagent, DTNB (dithio-bisnitro benzoic acid) is replaced by a fluorogenic probe, “Calbiochem Probe IV”, (3-(7-Hydroxy-2-oxo-2H-chromen-3-ylcarbamoyl)acrylic acid methylester).Compared to the classical Ellman's method, the sensitivity of this new spectrofluorimetric assay is 2 orders of magnitude higher. The method allows measurement of activity in media containing <10−11 M of cholinesterase active sites at low substrate concentrations, either under first order conditions, [S] << Km, or under conditions where kinetics obeys the Michaelis-Menten model, i.e. at [S] < 1 mM for wild-type enzymes. The method adapted to titration plate reader assays is suitable for clinical and toxicological routine analyses, for high throughput screening of novel cholinesterase mutants and screening of inhibitor libraries of pharmacological interest.

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