
Abstract Titanosaurs were the most diverse sauropod group during the Cretaceous period, with most of its diversity being found during the Late Cretaceous. In this work, Tiamat valdecii, gen. et sp. nov. is described, a new species of basal titanosaur prospected from the Açu Formation (Albian–Cenomanian), Potiguar Basin, Ceará state, north-east Brazil. The new taxon is composed by an associated sequence of anterior to middle caudal vertebrae, being diagnosed by four diagnostic features: a marked accessory tuberosity dorsoventrally developed, located on the prezygapophyses; deeply medioventral excavated articulation facets of prezygapophysis and post-zygapophyses articular facets; presence of developed hypantrum–hyposphene articulations; and short middle centra with a well-marked articular facet for the haemal arch. The phylogenetic analysis reveals that Tiamat valdecii was a basal member of Titanosauria. Tiamat is the first species of Early Cretaceous titanosaur known for the Açu Formation. Biomechanical analysis shows that the tuberosity and excavation of the zygapophyses of the middle caudal vertebrae of Tiamat provide greater stability against shear loads in the amphicoelous vertebrae presented; in addition, they allow greater range of lateral movements without affecting the integrity of the joints. These features may have been an evolutionary alternative for the stability of the middle of the caudal vertebral column. The discovery of T. valdecii in the Açu Formation not only increases the known dinosaur diversity for this unit, but also helps us elucidate part of the first titanosaur radiation.

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