
A Grid is a decentralized, geographically distributed and heterogeneous system in which resources belong to individuals or multiple organizations. Resource management and job scheduling are two important and difficult tasks in grid computing. Scheduling and execution of jobs in a dynamic environment like Grid often calls for efficient algorithms to schedule the resources required for successful execution of the jobs. These dynamic and heterogeneous resources may enter or leave the system at any point of time or fail and can be idle. So an efficient scheduling strategy is required to minimize the total processing time of jobs and also adapt to the heterogeneity and the dynamism of the environment with maximum resource utilization. This paper proposes a model for resource and job scheduling in dynamic grid environment. Maximizing resource utilization and minimizing processing time of jobs are the two main goals of this paper. Grid resource selection strategy is based on Max Heap Tree (MHT) that best suits for large scale application and root node of MHT is selected for job submission. Jobs are grouped based on computational and communicational capacity of the resources.

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