
A new genus and species of Rebbachisauridae sauropod from the Cenomanian of the São Luís Basin, Alcântara Formation, Itapeuasaurus cajapioensis gen. et sp. nov., is described, the first from this temporal interval in northern Brazil. It is characterized by the presence of large and deep fossae on ventro-lateral aspect of the dorsal neural arch split by laminae obliquely oriented; posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina forked ventrally forming the dorsal edge of the centrodiapophyseal fossa; dorsal and ventral components of anterior caudal transverse process thinner than the usual bony bar. This latter feature is associated with the presence of a prezygodiapophyseal centrodiapophyseal fossa accessory lamina. The phylogenetic analysis performed herein identifies the subclade Nigersaurinae as a South American – African/European clade, suggesting a vicariant event before Cenomanian times. In addition, continental vertebrate taxa recorded in the Alcântara Formation offer support to a minor evolutionary change after major vicariant event in Western Gondwana.

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