
We present the results of a five-year Str{umlt o}mgren y photometric campaign on {delta} Scuti. Our data set consists of 6515 discrete differential magnitudes, and spans the period of 1983 June to 1988 September. We found the primary pulsation mode at 59.731129{plus_minus}0.000002 {mu}Hz, in close agreement with the frequency determination of Fitch (1976, IAU Colloquium, 29, 167), but we find our best-fit observed frequencies for other pulsation modes differ by 0.5{endash}2 cycles per year from Fitch{close_quote}s results. In the case of the second strongest pulsation mode, we found a frequency of 61.936104{plus_minus}0.000009 {mu}Hz{emdash}one cycle per year off of the commonly quoted frequency. All of the other modes not classified as harmonics or beating modes were identified in our data, as well as a new pulsation frequency at 96.21443{plus_minus}0.00005 {mu}Hz discovered in both Str{umlt o}mgren y and b observations. We measured the phase differences between our Str{umlt o}mgren y data and a short string of Str{umlt o}mgren b data taken during the 1987 multisite campaign, and find phase differences ranging from 0 to 0.33 radians, suggesting that there are modes of different spherical harmonic order present in {delta} Scuti. Finally, we evolved a set of M=1.8{endash}2.4 M{sub {circle_dot}} models with solarmore » abundances (X=0.7,Z=0.02) and two (M=2.2 and M=2.4 M{sub {circle_dot}}) models with solar abundances scaled to (X=0.66,Z=0.06), using recent opacity and reaction rate data, and applied linear, nonadiabatic pulsation analysis to models in the shell hydrogen burning phase. The Z=0.02 model which best fit the observed spectral type of F2III, the {ital Hipparcos} absolute magnitude of M{sub V}=1.0, and the radius estimate of Cugier and Monier of R=4.1 R{sub {circle_dot}}, and which has a pure radial mode at 59.731 {mu}Hz has a mass of 2.1 M{sub {circle_dot}}, with T{sub eff}=6894 K, R=4.14 R{sub {circle_dot}}, and M{sub V}=1.0. (Abstract Truncated)« less

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