
Abstract. Desert dust is an important atmospheric aerosol that affects the Earth's climate, biogeochemistry, and air quality. However, current Earth system models (ESMs) struggle to accurately capture the impact of dust on the Earth's climate and ecosystems, in part because these models lack several essential aeolian processes that couple dust with climate and land surface processes. In this study, we address this issue by implementing several new parameterizations of aeolian processes detailed in our companion paper in the Community Earth System Model version 2 (CESM2). These processes include (1) incorporating a simplified soil particle size representation to calculate the dust emission threshold friction velocity, (2) accounting for the drag partition effect of rocks and vegetation in reducing wind stress on erodible soils, (3) accounting for the intermittency of dust emissions due to unresolved turbulent wind fluctuations, and (4) correcting the spatial variability of simulated dust emissions from native to higher spatial resolutions on spatiotemporal dust variability. Our results show that the modified dust emission scheme significantly reduces the model bias against observations compared with the default scheme and improves the correlation against observations of multiple key dust variables such as dust aerosol optical depth (DAOD), surface particulate matter (PM) concentration, and deposition flux. Our scheme's dust also correlates strongly with various meteorological and land surface variables, implying higher sensitivity of dust to future climate change than other schemes' dust. These findings highlight the importance of including additional aeolian processes for improving the performance of ESM aerosol simulations and potentially enhancing model assessments of how dust impacts climate and ecosystem changes.

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